Project HOPE is a collaboration of the heart. Torrance Council of PTAs mission is to positively impact the lives of all children and families. We work hand in hand with TUSD and other entities to support our homeless and foster care students and their families. We rely on generous donations from the 30 schools in TUSD and local businesses and churches to supply food, toiletries, school supplies, hotel vouchers and other items as the need arises. Another way we support the students is by supplying the kids with costumes for Halloween, and Dresses, hair and makeup and tuxes for Prom.
Questions or want to see how else you can help?
Contact Denise Spellman, Project HOPE Coordinator

Project HOPE has been a program of TCPTA for 6 years. Our mission is to support the basic needs of our students who are homeless or in foster care that attend school in TUSD system. Throughout the school year, we collect a variety of donations to distribute to these students. Items collected include nonperishable food, personal use items, gift cards for Walmart & Target to purchase clothing and emergency items, Halloween costumes, Prom gowns/tuxes and makeovers, Grad night needs, and funds for emergency housing accommodations. Needs that arise are negotiable on an individual basis.

Sponsor a Senior
To Contribute: Click the link above or Visit tcpta.myschoolcentral.com/,
Use the drop down menu to "sponsor a senior"
from a specific high school, or sponsor a student
from any T.U.S.D. high school.
Click for more info
Halloween Costume Drive
Donation list and sign ups for Halloween costumes for our homeless, foster care and students in need are HERE! Sign up to bring joy to our students!
Click for more info
If you have any questions about Project HOPE you can contact Denise Spellman at projecthope@torrancecouncilofptas.org